Graciela Cavicchia Krauss
Co-Founder / Principal
Graciela is the principal and co-founder of Applied Urban Solutions (AUS). She runs the company’s permits and construction activities. A trained architect and certified urban planner, Graciela has over 25 years of experience in urban redevelopment and project implementation. Her professional work has focused on the utilization of physical and financial resources to maximize social and economic impact. Before establishing AUS, Graciela served as vice-president of Development Partners at The Reinvestment Fund (TRF), a non-profit housing and community development organization based in Philadelphia. At AUS, Graciela’s work includes community related activities such as pro-bono work for local businesses and non-profits, civic association, existing residents and immigrants.
Served as Commissioner of the City of Philadelphia Zoning Code Commission.
Served as Chairman of the Board of the Philadelphia Section of the American Planning Association in Pennsylvania (APA PA) where she founded the APA PA Professional Development Institute.
Served on the American Institute of Architects' Team of Urban Redevelopment Experts in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.
Taught a multi-year graduate Studio in Planning at the University of Pennsylvania.
Serves as Treasurer on the Philadelphia City Parks Association's Board of Directors and serves in the Zoning Committee of the Dickinson Square West Civic Association.
Pro-bono work include: architectural design support, construction solutions, forensic construction issues, Philadelphia L&I permitting process assistance, and small and minority contractor management training & support.
Contact Graciela at
Curtis Krauss
Co-Founder / Principal
Curtis, principal and co-founder, runs AUS financial and accounting activities. Curtis has over 25 years of experience in real estate finance and development with expertise in market research, financial modeling and analysis, deal structuring and acquisitions. His work focuses on the structuring and development of projects from acquisition to implementation to ensure success in the marketplace. Before establishing AUS, Curtis managed Land Acquisitions Operations at K. Hovnanian Enterprises. He was responsible for the assessment of the financial and marketing feasibility of regional development opportunities and managed the divestiture process of properties with a total market value over $50 million. At AUS, Curt is also in charge of the AUS' design and production of architectural steel and furniture work.
Holds a BA in Economics from University of Albany, State University of New York and a Master in City and Regional Planning from the Bloustein School of Planning & Public Policy at Rutgers University
Served on the Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia’s Board of Acquisitions & Development
Provides pro-bono consulting services to individuals and small businesses to ensure successful real estate acquisitions
Served on the Board of the Philadelphia Building Industry Association
Founder of Krauss Bicycles
Pro-bono work include: marketing and property assessment support for small investors, project financing and accounting for individuals and start-up businesses.
Contact Curtis at